Choicewell has rich experience,expertise and resources to help clients successfully deploy globally.

  • Safe & Reliable

    High capital safety

  • Consistent Services

    Standard service level
    Consistent user experience

  • Low Risk

    Our familiarity with local regulations
    and tax policies

  • Multilingual

    Our project services are available
    in Chinese and over 8 local languages

Global Deployment

The successful deployment of a multi-site international network faces budget, technical, logistical and personnel challenges.

  • Unfamiliarity with local technical resources and suppliers.
  • Unfamiliarity with overseas policies and laws.
  • Construction standards are inconsistent in different places and difficult to manage.
  • Unfamiliarity with local technical & implementation personnel, language and cultural differences, communication difficulties.
  • Unfamiliarity with local VAT, tariffs and other tax standards.
  • Complicated customs clearance documents and procedures, unfamiliarity with product clearance and safety regulations.
  • Choicewell has successfully completed many projects for clients around the world.

    We follow international standards and processes,We have a powerful global network formed by
    professional technical personnel and professional suppliersWe help our clients achieve a globally consistent user experience
    without losing creativity in local culture and personalization.

    Talk to our technical experts
    for personalized presentations and customized services.

    Contact Us